
Databend Cloud (beta)

Databend Cloud is a powerful data cloud for everyone, which is built on top of the open-source project Databend with Simplicity, Elasticity, Security, and Low Cost.

Create a Databend Cloud Account

Databend Cloud is now in private beta, and we invite you to participate in the Databend Cloud beta here(for free): https://www.databend.com/apply

Log In to Your Account


Databend Cloud Overview


Your virtual warehouse, warehouses can be automatically suspended when there's no activity after a specified period of time.


Your database list.


The location of the data is stored in is known as a stage, and you can upload CSV/JSON/Parquet files from your local file system to Databend Cloud, and do data analysis.


Worksheets is a powerful SQL editor for running your SQL queries. For example, you can do Conversion Funnel Analysis online.

Connect to a Serverless Warehouse

Databend Cloud also provides a connection string for your applications to connect to it:


Run SELECT 1 query with curl:

curl --header 'X-Clickhouse-User: <sql-user>' --header 'X-Clickhouse-Key: <sql-user-password>' https://<tenant>--<warehouse>.ch.aws-us-east-2.default.databend.com/?query=SELECT%201